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quickstep counting
Posted by Thsballroomdanceman
10/31/2014  4:51:00 PM
Is the quickstep really as fast as sqq sqq sqq on the quicker songs in one measure (such as in the song Pep, Vim, and Verve by Bill Elliot Swing Orchestra), or am I counting it wrong? TIA!
Re: quickstep counting
Posted by nloftofan1
11/2/2014  10:57:00 AM
Our favorite dance instructor told us that taking big steps makes Quickstep easier. Usually, instructors say (for some of the Latin dances, for example) things like "The tempo is fast so your steps have to be small." But surprisingly, for Quickstep our instructor was right. Taking small steps seems to make the tempo feel faster than it is.
Re: quickstep counting
Posted by Quickstep.
11/11/2014  5:54:00 AM
Not a good idea to take big steps. Use the average size door frame as a guide.
Stand on the diagonal facing the right side of the frame. Take the first step in that direction. Your side together side and lowering vertically will be about the width of the door frame give or take a few inches. Try keeping the feet under your hip line. I doubt if taking big steps will have any bearing with your ability to dance a comfortable Quickstep.
Re: quickstep counting
Posted by Waltz123
11/11/2014  9:24:00 AM
It's not the size of your step that matters; It's how you use it. Or so they say. (c:

When teachers talk about faster tempo requiring smaller steps, they're actually only giving you half of the story. The reality is, as the tempo increases, one of either two things must happen: Either (1) your steps must get smaller if your body speed through space remains constant, or (2) your body speed through space must increase if your step size is to remain constant.

There is actually a perfect, three-way relationship between the following 3 things:
(1) Time between steps
(2) Space between steps
(3) Body speed through space

If you fix any one of those elements, the remaining two then become directly proportional. As one increases or decreases, so does the other, and vice-versa. Most of the time in our dancing, the fixed element is #1: Time between steps. The timing of the pattern combined with the tempo of the music dictate the exact amount of time between each of the foot falls. So the remaining two, space between steps and body speed through space, become perfectly proportional. You can either move less and take smaller steps, or you can move more and take larger steps. The choice, then, simply becomes one of ability and preference.

Those who have trouble "keeping up" with the tempo of the music while executing a particular figure, assuming the timing is fixed, must choose between shortening the steps or increasing body speed in order to cover the space that the full-sized steps require. Sometimes for various reasons, your perception of things can trick you into feeling otherwise, but this fact is pretty much an absolute.

My guess as to why nloftofan's instructor asked for bigger steps was to elicit an increase in effort to move more. The size of their steps may have increased somewhat, but if the perception was that it was easier to stay on time (and assuming the perception was correct), the only explanation is that an unintended side effect of the increased effort was an even greater increase in the body movement through space.

Any instruction based on perceptions will always get mixed results, because different people feel and react to things differently. So who knows... It certainly can't hurt to try this method out and see if it helps. If your reaction to taking bigger steps is move your body faster, and your increase in body speed ends up being greater than your increase in step size, then it might just work for you. But if it doesn't, at least you know the reason why. In the end, if you can't keep up with the timing of any particular pattern, you're ultimately going to have to either move your body faster, take smaller steps, or find some happy medium between the two.

Jonathan Atkinson
Re: quickstep counting
Posted by Quickstep
11/11/2014  5:36:00 PM
Waltz 123. Being that the Quickstep moves sideways. Meaning we are never square to the direction we are travelling. Do you believe that we drive our hip more over our left side which we don't do in a Waltz. Also is the contact point between partners is a little higher than in the before mentioned Waltz.
Re: quickstep counting
Posted by Waltz123
11/12/2014  9:34:00 PM
Being that the Quickstep moves sideways. Meaning we are never square to the direction we are travelling. Do you believe that we drive our hip more over our left side which we don't do in a Waltz.

I don't believe Quickstep movement is any different than Waltz in terms of our directions of travel. Slightly higher in the legs and point of body contact, sure, but that has little bearing on the direction. Neither dance moves particularly sideways overall, any more than they move directly forward or back, except through fleeting moments of transition. Most movement in the swinging dances -- Waltz, Quickstep or otherwise -- should be predominantly diagonal, to an ever-fluctuating degree as we move through our turns.

Charlotte Jorgensen has some very nice exercises that help dancers learn how to dance through diagonal directions. I'm hoping I can bring her in for our next video shoot in February to do some guest lectures for our website. If not this time, then sometime soon...
Re: quickstep counting
Posted by Voco
11/12/2014  12:54:00 AM
Hi Jonathan,

Your above explanation makes a lot of sense. One question: It looks as if in competitive Standard the latest trend is covering a lot of territory fast. Is my observation correct?

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